We are finally settled. When we lost the house, we ended up renting a walk-up apartment in Uptown NOLA. I love it. It's part of a huge house that used to be a double (like a duplex) and then has a "camel back" built on top. We live in the camel part of one side of the house. Or maybe the house is the camel and we live in one side of his hump. (I will take pictures of the outside soon so you can have a better visual.) It's small but definitely enough space for Kevin, the kitties, and me.
This is what I mean when I say walk-up:

And then there are more stairs:

And then you are in the apartment. In case you are wondering, we put curtains at the top of the stairs to try and keep the air conditioning inside the apartment and not down in the stairwell - so far, it seems to be helping!
To the right is the kitchen:

To the left is the bedroom/living room:

And this is the start of the living room on the right side of the window:

And finally, here is a picture of the basil, chives, and parsley that I am trying to grow from seeds. So far, so good.

I am happy and grateful to have a home and for Kevin to be working at such a great hospital. I've got something in the works so everyone please send good vibes and I'll keep you posted on what that something is soon.
Tomorrow, I'll post the best, most fabulous thing about our apartment. It is really, really fabulous!