Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A glimpse of our weekend...

This is what we found on our balcony this morning! Isn't he cute?
Alice actually caught one of these guys the other day. Kevin found her with the tail hanging out of her mouth. Thank goodness Alice was only pretending and Kevin was able to free the trapped lizard. Perhaps this is the same guy, saying "Thanks, Kev!"

Oliver was a naughty boy and decided to take a nap in my bathroom cabinet. He looked so cozy, I had to laugh and grab the camera. Never mind he pushed items out of the cabinet to make himself more comfortable.

We spent yesterday evening drinking wine on the back balcony. No lizards visited us.
This is the view from our balcony. Aren't the trees pretty? And I enjoy the rustic look of the storage shed.

Here are some mushrooms that have started growing on our balcony. So far they are pretty tiny. I kind of want to see how big they will get.

I'm cooking dinner tonight, so, later gators!
The End.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Strawberry Swing

I started a new job this week. Everything has been a bit of a whirlwind in the past two weeks. I got a job, then got a call for another job, and then quit the one job to take the new job. I feel a little dazed.
Last week I worked for an electrical contractor. This Monday, I still worked for an electrical contractor. Then I quit. It was temp work and I had only been there for a week, so I did not feel much of an obligation to give them time to find someone else. A little selfish, I know. Yet I was employed by them through the temp agency. Key word being TEMPORARY.
My new job is permanent. A sort of big girl job. Sort of. I'm assisting a lovely, intelligent, strong person who brings in millions of dollars to the city of New Orleans. Tourism $$! Basically, I work for an organization and department that bids to bring any number of conventions to NOLA. You could have any type of convention - dermatologists, lawyers, Star Trek or even beauty pageants - and they all need a place to hold these events. So, why not bring it to New Orleans. What a fun place to come visit - and to live.
Three days down. A million more to come. I am learning a great deal about this new industry (well, new to me) and am thankful that I am continuing to work for a non-profit. This is a test of how much I really learned through my past experiences and also shows me how far I have to go. I am up for the challenge. It is nice to work with responsible, hard working individuals. The people in this office work hard and fast! I am honored to be chosen and will do my best to fill the shoes of E. So far, I'm finding them hard to fill! Time will only tell.
Other than the fabulous coworkers, I am currently most in awe of the building that I work in and the views from the windows. The office is located on St. Charles Avenue. Pretty #1. The building itself is modern in design, but with the large windows, the beauty of its surroundings are showcased. Pretty #2. The picture above is what you see when you get off the elevators. On every floor. Pretty #3. I have a large corner cubicle as my office with another pretty view. Pretty #4. And so on, and so forth.
Sensory overload, I say! New surroundings, entirely new job x 2, and it's only just the beginning.
I must say, my cup continues to run over.
They were sitting
They were sitting in the strawberry swing
Every moment was so precious. . .
. . . Cold, cold water
What ya' say?
It's such
It's such a perfect day
--Coldplay, Strawberry Swing
They were sitting in the strawberry swing
Every moment was so precious. . .
. . . Cold, cold water
What ya' say?
It's such
It's such a perfect day
--Coldplay, Strawberry Swing
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hola Autumn, Au Revoire Summer

Happy Autumn. Seriously. Blessed, overabundant, joyous Autumn. The fruits of our labors are being realized and enjoyed. I know mine are.
I am starting my new, new job tomorrow. Thank you, friendly Universe!
I am working for an organization that brings fruitfulness to the economy of the city. I am excited and grateful to do my part.
Thoughts are powerful. So, make it a point to make your thoughts positive. You will attract much more positivity into your life.
Give back. Be grateful for what you have.
I am finding my place in this city and I am excited for our future.
And, in my opinion, we are now officially in the best season of the year!
Pumpkin time!
And this time, I don't mean sleepy time !
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Ask and you shall receive....

I went back to Amarillo for a couple of days. Just to check in with my parents, readjust some mental-ness, and to pick up my Christmas tree (looks like Christmas is in NOLA this year - Kev has to work). I told myself before I left on the 15 hour drive that when I returned to New Orleans, my job would be here waiting.
I arrive in Amarillo on Tuesday evening. Long drive - it was good to see the house I grew up in and know so well. And of course, my parents.
All the while, thinking, **I am happy and grateful for my new job in New Orleans**
I ended up working at my favorite dance store, Razzle Dazzle Dancewear while I was in town. It was fun working with Brenda, Marissa, Adam, and Jonathan again! Thanks for the smiles!
Still thinking, **I am happy and grateful for my new job in New Orleans**
Ring, ring, ring! (Which sounds more like meba meba wheee, burrrburrburrrp.)
**I am happy and grateful for my new job in New Orleans**
This was the call I had been waiting for...it was the temp agency calling about a semi-permanant position with an Electrical Contracting Agency looking for an office assistant.
**I am happy and grateful for my new job in New Orleans**
So, my trip was cut short. I interviewed on Friday and got the call that I was the "It Girl" while I was driving home from my interview. Jermaine told me they thought I might be "too polished" for them. Hmm...I somehow doubt it but this will be interesting.
On top of that fabulous development, I received a phone call from another organization I applied to recently. They informed me while I wasn't being called about the position I applied for, they had new position open and I am interviewing on Tuesday.
My cup is officially running over. Thank you, Universe.
I believe in the power of positive thinking.
I believe in the power of believing in yourself.
And I believe in the power of looking at your situation from a different perspective.
These thoughts and approaches seem to have set into motion a series of events that are quite beneficial for my current predicament.
Again, Thank You Friendly Universe!
I now have more to give back.

By the way, they are wrong. You CAN go home again. You just have to return to your new home afterward. And that is fine, too.
And a good time was had by all...

We had a lovely time with Kevin's parents when they came to visit. The weekend was spent hitting up our favorite local joints (thus far) and showing Kitty and Mitch the way we exist in our new city. We found this chandelier on someone's balcony in the French Quarter. Very colorful! I will have a true chandelier in my home someday.

We visited our favorite ice cream joint - The Creole Creamery. They make their own ice cream in the store, fresh. I have enjoyed such flavors as saffron pistachio and goat cheese and fig but they of course have regular flavors like chocolate and peppermint. Yummy, yummy!

I think Kitty really likes her ice cream! She looks happy.

Which brings me to this picture. This is the wall we sat under in the ice cream shop. I like the pink walls and the message, "Eat Ice Cream, Be Happy." That is sooo true!
We look happy, too!
We went to the seafood store and bought some more Cajun fast food - boiled shrimp, boiled potatoes and corn. Kitty took this cool picture of the crab hanging out in the cooler.
We visited the Maison Bourbon Jazz Club on Bourbon St after enjoying a delicious burger from Yo Mama's. I think everyone was enjoying the great music - that trumpet player had some chops on him. And the old guy in suspenders was entertaining to watch dance!

Our fur-children received Halloween costumes from their Grandma and Grandpa. Here is Oliver in the pirate hat - and yes, this hat includes a ribbon and some nice dread locks. Very Johnny Depp, Oliver!

Oliver in the same costume. There is something slightly disturbing about his glowing eyes in this picture.

And of course, Pirate Alice. I really like the kitty skull and cross bones on the hat. Of course, her sweet face doesn't make her look like a very menacing pirate! I think her defense is purring someone into a coma.

As you can tell, we all had a nice visit and a good laugh at the kitties. Alice and Oliver told me that they can't wait until their Grandma and Grandpa come back to visit. And Kevin and I have to agree! Thanks for the great time!

Our fur-children received Halloween costumes from their Grandma and Grandpa. Here is Oliver in the pirate hat - and yes, this hat includes a ribbon and some nice dread locks. Very Johnny Depp, Oliver!
Oliver in the same costume. There is something slightly disturbing about his glowing eyes in this picture.
And of course, Pirate Alice. I really like the kitty skull and cross bones on the hat. Of course, her sweet face doesn't make her look like a very menacing pirate! I think her defense is purring someone into a coma.

As you can tell, we all had a nice visit and a good laugh at the kitties. Alice and Oliver told me that they can't wait until their Grandma and Grandpa come back to visit. And Kevin and I have to agree! Thanks for the great time!
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