Monkey Heart Art by JenSo I didn't realize that I wasn't clear with the explanation about my possession of a monkey heart. If you haven't already read my
original post on the subject, click on the link and read.
Go ahead...I'll wait. You will learn some very technical information about my heart issues.
Ok, great! Now on with further details...
You see, I grew up with two brothers that liked to tell me lies. Lies, lies, lies! And you know why they told me lies? Because I believed them. Gullible. That's me.
You see, CKM informed me when I was small that when they did my surgeries, they put a monkey heart in my chest instead of just fixing the problems at hand. I believed him, but still kind of questioned him because my parents assured me that I had a human heart and not a monkey's heart. Then, that movie came out with Christian Slater and Marisa Tomei,
Untamed Heart, and it kind of validated his claim. If Christian Slater could have a monkey heart in that movie, so could I because they wouldn't lie in the movies.
Except it was a lie. Now please don't go feeling sorry for me for being so gullible. I always knew in my monkey heart of hearts that he was pulling my leg, but part of me kind of wanted it to be true - you know, super champion girl with the monkey heart still kickin' it and taking ballet.
So, that is how the whole, "I have a monkey heart" thing started. It has become a joke and when I tell my doctors about it, they don't seem to find it amusing. But I do! I hope you find it funny, too. And I hope you aren't disappointed or think I'm less than cool because I don't actually have a monkey heart.
My monkey heart is my soul - it's what makes me unique. It's my badge of honor, frankly. And it's waaaay more exciting and interesting to call it a monkey heart than a congenital heart defect. Congenital heart defect makes me sound defective. Which I am not, thank you very much.
So, that's the whole scoop, chickens! I AM a monkey heart possessor, sans the actual monkey heart. I have a lot of scars, both physical and emotional from the whole situation, but I am a whole lot stronger of a person because of all my struggles so early in my life. If I could survive that business, I could survive almost anything. And so far, I have proven that theory correct!
xoxo - from the bottom of my monkey heart!