I've been away from my kitties now for almost three weeks. Here is a picture of Alice's paws. She was sleeping on Kevin--she loves Kevin. I like Alice's paws because they are stripey.
Here is a better picture of Alice. Did I mention she loves Kevin? Always and forever sitting in his lap and purring like mad.
Here is Oliver. Oh, Oliver. Oliver is so co-dependent--but only with me. He has spent the last three weeks meowing opera at midnight for my parents. I think he's letting the house know that he is displeased with my absence. I joke that Oliver loves me in the way that Bryan the Dog from the Family Guy loves Lois. Except I'm convinced that Oliver likes boys. He will only play with pink toys and for a while, his favorite toy was this plush pink makeup compact. I guess he wanted to look pretty for me.
I miss my kitties. Really bad. However, I have had two very special boys to keep me company while we have been figuring this all out.

This is Buddy. He has definitely been my buddy at Maria's house. He is sweet and grunts a lot and has strip of white hair on the top of his head that you can fluff up into a mowhawk. Very punk rock, Buddy.

This is Buster. Oh my goodness, that face! I love his little blonde curls and his floppy ears. He's dramatical like Oliver is dramatical. He woos. I mean, really woos. Woo woo woo woo woo! It's really funny but best not to encourage him because once he get's going, it's hard to stop!
Having the puppies around has definitely made missing the kitties a little more bearable. I can't imagine a life without animals around.
We are heading back to Amarillo tomorrow so that Kevin can finish up his work at the hospital. Then we turn around and drive back to New Orleans on Saturday to move into our new apartment and for Kevin to start work at his new hospital. One thing I'm looking forward to on our drive back is this:

That's right. Goats. And not just any goats, these are Show Goats! I wonder if they perform a nice kick line and are good about using their jazz hooves. How do I know they are special Show Goats, you ask? See the sparkle in his eyes? Ok, it was sunny so I suppose you can't see that but it says so on the sign by the side of the road on the way to Austin. "Show Goats!" Yeah, baby. I know I would pay good money to see a goat dressed up in sequins and a feather boa. Especially if they can do a nice soft shoe number.
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