Or Uno, Dos, Tres depending on what state you live in. Same difference, though. One, Two, Three, GO!
There is an individual that I work with (lovely person, really) and anytime I see said person, I smile. I guess it's a Texan thing or a Kel thing. I don't know. I just feel compelled to smile at someone when they walk by. Smile and say, "Hi".
The thing is, anytime I smile at said person, they respond by saying "Yes." It's a different response for me. "Yes." That response makes me giggle in my soul. I love it! "Yes."
This person's response to my daily smiles remind me of another individual I encountered back in Tejas. I knew this individual through the symphony and at functions I would say, "You look pretty tonight!" Their response? You guessed it! "Yes."
Is it a dismissal? I don't think so. Maybe it's an acknowledgment to a statement they are not quite comfortable hearing or seeing. I know I'm a smiley individual and smiles in a big city tend to get you locked away in the loony bin. But, at least we are in the South.
So, Un, Deux, Trois! Smile at someone today and pay attention to his or her response to said smile. Do they smile back? Do they say hi? Do they say "Yes."?
I guarantee it will make you smile some more! (And might make the work day pass a little quicker.)
Have a fabulous Thursday...you know what Thursday means!
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