Oh, that song used to scare me really bad for some reason. I don't know. Also, having dreams where people were talking to me and they would start out in a whisper and then gradually get louder and louder and louder and then quieter and quieter and quieter. You know, kind of like the wind but with talking. FREAKY!
But that's not the point. I forgot to mention that my darling blogging friend Jon presented me with The Laughing Raptor Award! Wow! I feel special. Thanks, friend!
The purpose of The Laughing Raptor Award is to pass on to fellow bloggers who consistently make you laugh your pants off.
So, here is my list of folks that have me in stitches:
1. Jean - I wish I could be as brazen as Jeanie. She's kickass. And, I wouldn't ever want to anger her.
2. Jules - The fact that she's having to deal with a 2 year old reincarnation of herself on a daily basis makes for good reads. And she's fabulous.
3. Jon - Not only did he bestow me with this award, he also makes me laugh a lot. And he's super nice. And he lives in Ohio which means I think he might have been to Cincinnati before and eaten Skyline Chili maybe once before he stopped eating meat.
4. Sue - She's super woman. And kind of like MacGyver in her daily life at the Symphony. Plus she's remodeling her house and has great taste in shoes.
5. Ken (a.k.a. MY DAD) - He's been battling with not having his truck to drive due to a series of unfortunate events. His rants are funny. He has since been reunited with his truck. Now he rants about tornadoes. Which is more frightening than funny, but still.
You guys make me laugh. Seriously.

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