Monday, May 17, 2010

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Ok, so it's Monday. Hi Monday. You and me, we have had our differences. But, I can't say I hate you. You know why? Because you start the week that makes me go to the place to do the things so they give me money. Sounds naughty, kinda. But, it's not. Just an office with a dog.

But I must admit, in all the excitement of getting the job, it has just now sunk in that I actually have a job again. I suppose my brother R is right - part of me DOES want to be a kept woman. Except, now I have a spring in my step again. I've been making new friends and trying not to be such a homebody. Things are going to change. I think I'm going to take a class. . .

I hope you all are finding your days passing with ease and grace. Please take care of yourselves and send prayers for the Louisiana Gulf Coast and the oil spill recovery. Stinky oily air, y'all.

Have a great Monday. Appreciate it. Because, it only comes once a week.



  1. Girl, I'm praying constantly about the LA coast. My hubs works at a Cajun place here in Austin and they get all their food from LA. If they can't buy seafood from there, he might lose his job!! So I'm saying steady prayers.......

  2. You need to take a class in firefighting, cause GUUURRRLLL you got me hot and bothered ;D
    Really though, I hope your Monday went great!
