Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wishy Washy

Ok, so now I'm having second thoughts about this whole new, new job thing. I don't know. I don't want to go to a boring job that is sterile and doesn't involve getting to pet Keaux Keaux. (Yes, that's right, I spelled Keaux Keaux's name wrong the first time - shame on me!)

I'm going to interview with these people but after some serious discussion with my parents and Kev, I don't want to flit around from job to job. And don't I owe something to my current employer to stick this out a little longer as things are developing? And, frankly I just am not so sure they will even want me. Even if it is in a medical library. (Oooh, get it? medical library? kel has a monkey heart? harharhahar - ok, give me a break, it's 4:30 a.m.)

I will say, they have to make me an offer I simply can't refuse. Like for serious, dead horse head in your bed kind of offer.

And who wants an offer like that?


  1. Isn't it nice to have so many options? Hoping for the horse head offer for you!

  2. OMG - I love that stuffed horse head. Classic! I think you're probably right... and go with your gut!

  3. and Keaux Keaux?? OF COURSE IT IS.

  4. I would do so many things for a horse head pillow. OMG. You don't even know. Every time I come across a horse that scares me I'll just whip out my horse head pillow and be like "LOOK WHAT HAPPENS TO HORSES THAT MESS WITH ME" and the horse will be all freaked out. Yeah.
    Anyway, I think that as long as you're happy with the job you have now, keep it. Don't worry about the company wanting you, of course they'll want you! But if you don't want the job, don't take it. Be true to you, darlin!
