When we first moved to the city, I noticed that houses turned into 3 ring circuses randomly. I thought, wow! I want to get in on that awesome elephant action! Except, I very quickly learned that these tents have less to do with elephant circuses and more to do with flea circuses.
This house is being bombed for termites, actually. I'm not exactly sure why the companies use stripes for the covers on the house, but it's kind of cheery considering the massive amounts of chemicals that are pumped into every inch of the dwelling.
*cough* *ack* *blegh*
But alas, if you let the termites have your house, you will be left with a pile of toothpicks. Scary, hungry termites.
Back in Texas, we saw a lot of bugs. I don't like bugs but I was aware that there are crazy bugs everywhere. Moving to the swamp lands, I quickly learned that the bugs are bigger and badder here. Like something out of a crazy science fiction novel, the bugs down here don't play around.
So I suppose you could say, not everything is bigger in Texas. Sorry, Texas. Louisiana has you beat in the pest category.
Happy Thursday!
That's a really beautiful/creepy picture! I mean creepy in all the best ways! ;)