Friday, August 17, 2012

Dream a Little Dream

Flaming June - Frederic, Lord Leighton
I keep having a particular recurring theme in my dreams as of late.  It started a couple of months ago - I am trying to finish up one of my educational degrees and I have enrolled in the last few hours of classes that I'm supposed to finish in order to graduate.  I am attending all of my classes and doing what I am supposed to do to study, etc. but have only attended this one class once.  The class that I attended once was taught by comedienne Jane Lynch and the only time I was there, we were reenacting scenes from Glee. 

But ever since then, all my dreams have had a pressing theme that there is something that I must complete or I'm not going to finish.  I had another one of those dreams last night - I was doing something with my family, completely unrelated, and I knew that there was something I was forgetting.  It's at the end of the semester and since I only attended the class once, I knew I was going to fail.  That is the overall theme - I neglected something I had signed up to do and I ignored it and now I am going to fail.  I can't seem to shake that feeling of "uh-oh".

So calling all dream experts - why the heck do I keep dreaming about this pressing thing that I have ignored?  I can think of a couple of reasons, but it shouldn't keep bothering me so much.  I attended a class with Jane Lynch in my dreams - kind of funny when you think about it, but now I am not going to graduate because I didn't complete her class.  By the way, I am not currently enrolled in school nor do I plan on going back any time soon.  I have completed all my educational goals and have the pieces of paper to prove it. 

Here I stand, on the edge of a cliff, ready to take off and something is holding me back.  That is my interpretation, I just have to figure out what that thing is that is holding me back. 

Do you have odd and/or recurring dreams?    Do you pay much mind to your dreams?  What are some of your examples?  I find dreams fascinating because you can fly through a ton of stuff in a matter of minutes and your brain is like, "Whoa!"  It is our body's way of helping you process information that is perceived throughout our days - at least that is my opinion. 

I have a feeling that eventually I'll complete that last credit hour class - somehow.  I just have to will my mind to do so.


Michael Kiwanuka - Home Again


  1. either i don't dream much these days, or i just don't remember them, i'm not sure.

    recurrent dreams, that is the same dream over and over, takes me back to my youth. i guess it was around 8 -10 years of age I had the same nightmare mutiple times. it had what i remember as being a t. rex type dinosaur that was doing it's best to get into my house and have me for din-din i presume. it was terrifying but i'd wake up before he got me. but usually i'd find myself under my bed when i woke.

    kind of odd for dry land cotton farmer's kid in the 1950's to be dreaming about dinosaurs. i have no idea what triggered the dreams. i don't recall being fascinated with dinos or even reading about them; no movie that i recall having watched featuring t.rex. just odd all the way around. i guess i grew out of that recurrent nightmare. these days i barely dream at all.

    i like the song, "home again". it speaks to me of the process your working through on your way back to you.

    this piece had a much better flow to it than those previous to it since you've started posting again. keep up the good works. xo d

  2. I dream and I dream often. I have regular dreams and then I have those really significant dreams...the ones you can't shake until something happens in my conscious world to put it to bed (yes--okay-- I intended the pun. With my regular, recurring dreams, always take the practical interpretation. So for example, when I have that awful dream about my teeth crumbling out of my head, I'm losing control of something very personal-- like my budget or that heaping mound of laundry is out of control. When I have the dream where I am falling backwards, it usually means I'm falling behind schedule on something important--usually this turns out to be work or school related. Then I have a very similar dream to yours--but yet different-- where I go back to my high school just to visit and I have to try out for Choir, Softball, and Track AGAIN. Only this time I don't do so well and I don't get into choir or get on the teams. Then I get told I never really graduated because I didn't make the teams/choir again. This usually interprets to something in my real life that I have forgotten to do something a while back and it is still left unfinished or unattended today and it is going to come full circle and take me by surprise. Something usually follows suit...I hate when I have that dream.

    Reading your dream...I get the impression there might be something you've been meaning to do--but maybe forgetting to do?? And the consequences might not be favorable if you don't get it done?? Just a guess. I'm no expert when it comes to others dreams...just my own.

    My significant dreams are very real-- sometimes they aren't fun. It always relates to real life. It isn't always the good stuff--but once in awhile it is.

    Cheers... Jenn.

  3. As for your dream about not completing class, I think it could be what Jenn said above-- a dream in approximation to something in your life that needs to be completed. Or, maybe it is in regard to your future-- a reminder to never miss an opportunity to follow thru on something that could impact your life.
