Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gators and Trash Men

Hey everybody!

I hope you have been well. Things here are an ever changing scene. At the same time, everything stays the same.

It's 5 a.m. and the trash men are outside yelling. I was awoken this morning to some dude down the street treating his car horn like his personal panic button. Let me say he was panicking quite loudly at 3:30 a.m. I wonder if the children that surround us were woken up. I hope not.

Things are moving slowly around here. We are working on major changes and change is hard. But I wonder, does change make you hard?

On a lighter note, my parents are coming to visit the first week in October. I'm hoping to get them on a pontoon boat in a swamp. I'm not sure if that will happen, but please keep your fingers crossed that Mom and Dad are willing to hang with some gators - perhaps a gator farm instead...

Have a fabulous Tuesday!


  1. But you just gotta see gators while you're there, right? Isn't that a requirement for visiting or something?? :)

    Do you ever watch The Colony on the Discovery channel? It's a show about post-apocalyptic survival and it's filmed there in NO. So good.

  2. I agree completely - visiting gators are a definite requirement!

    I haven't seen The Colony yet as I don't have cable tv, but I'm going to have to check that out. I have heard a lot about that show - people were upset they were filming that in these parts simply because what the area went through during Katrina. I wonder if I can find that on Hulu...

  3. I'm sure you're rocking and rolling, just like always. Major change is such a big part of our thirties, methinks!

    Love, love, love you!

  4. You must be really busy these days. I hope you start posting again soon.
