Saturday, July 24, 2010

My New Favorite 99 cent Work Out

Just a steel town girl on a Saturday night
Looking for the fight of her life

SERIOUSLY! Ok, so one of my bff's J told me, "OMG Kel, you have GOT to download Maniac from the iTunes and do the maniac dance as a work out. I mean - whoa." You see, J used to dance with me back in A-town. He's got serious moves.

Anyway, the point being is that I did it. I downloaded "Maniac" from the iTunes and put on my leotard. (Note: on iTunes, there are 2 versions available, the movie version and the remastered version. Get the remastered version - it's 5 minutes long as opposed to 4 minutes long)

I also turned off our air conditioner and ceiling fan in the room I was going to "Maniac" in and prepared to sweat my derriere off. The bedroom I was in ended up being around 85 degrees very quickly.

Don't think that you have to be all talented at dancing or flexible. I think just the idea of dancing to the theme song from "Flashdance" in your living room in a leotard makes me giggle. But, I did it. Who was watching besides the cats, anyway?

I tried to be all sexy-like and swing my hair around a few times 'cause I was really into it and I nearly fell over. That's the point, though. You just dance. Dance at a fast pace for 5 consecutive minutes. Then, take a breather. And, if you feel up to another round, go again after you catch your breath. And so on..

And frankly, who can't run in place and rub their thighs like Alex Owens?

Here's proof that it will make you sweat.

Please pardon my derriere shot - I know, not pretty. But the proof is in the pudding! This is me after doing 3 rounds of maniac dancing with about a 5 minute rest period for the ol' monkey heart in between each go round.

Try it and let me know what you think! It's a giggle fest! Oh, and the part that sounds like chopsticks, feel free to take a bit of a breather and stretch during that phrase because that's what Alex did in the movie. Sweat is good!

And remember:



Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Rolling Stone Grows No Moss, Y'all

Hi Chickens...

We've just been moving right along around here, lately. Seems like the days go by so fast. We have been seeing our friends in the city a lot more and that has been nice. I must continue working on that because I have become a bit of a hermit and haven't realized that we do have really awesome friends that surround us here. Thank you for being a friend! (Cue the theme music, Dorothy!) And, of course, everyone who is my reading friend. I feel very protective of you all. I know, it's kind of crazy, but I do. I'd cut someone for y'all. Seriously.

See how New Orleans has made me all tough?

Before, when I lived in Texas, I really didn't consider that I would ever have to cut anyone, you know, to get by or help a friend out. Now, I realize that it's important to be prepared.

Now don't go being all, "Why are you walking around with that giant butcher knife, Kel?" I promise, I put it down. I just really mean about knowing who has your back, and be very aware of your surroundings and how people want to use you and abuse you in this world. Oh, and knowing whose back you are covering, personally.

The world - it's a big spider web. I'm realizing it more and more every day. The great thing is that New Orleans isn't feeling so big anymore. It's really a big, small town and that makes me comfortable. Just not too comfortable that I don't come to the party prepared.

Hope you all are having an amazing week and you haven't had to cut anyone.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nice to Have Choices, Indeed

I think Kate put it best. So nice to have so many choices, indeed! I decided to go ahead and decline the interview. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know I should have probably seen what they had to offer, but I know for sure that they don't keep a dog in their library, therefore currently ruling them out as a place I would want to work.

Plus, I think I would just be sitting and listening to doctor's notes and transcribing said notes. How depressing! I don't know if I could handle all those crazy hospital procedures day in and day out. I mean, come on! I am used to normal, medical professional dinner table conversation - you know, poop, blood, dying. . .but not in a scientific, no-feeling manner.

So, I'm staying with the graphic design team that keeps a dog in their office. I think I'll just have to find another part-time gig, because this one is just now getting interesting.

Thanks, Universe!

Hope you all are having a smashing week! We are just now recovering from our wonderful weekend in Fort Worth. I'll post pics from Alex & Faith's big day soon. . .


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Ok, so I just went into the other room and turned on the t.v. (Kev's still sleeping - I had it turned down low) and you will NEVER GUESS what was on when I was flipping through our non-existent choices for programming!?!?!

Ok, just guess....

Yes, of course it was "The Godfather"

But, here's the creepy part, y'all. It was the EXACT scene where the dude wakes up with the horse's head all bloody in his bed. I'm serious. Seriously!!

I think it's a sign...and that frightens me.

(must cancel interview)

Wishy Washy

Ok, so now I'm having second thoughts about this whole new, new job thing. I don't know. I don't want to go to a boring job that is sterile and doesn't involve getting to pet Keaux Keaux. (Yes, that's right, I spelled Keaux Keaux's name wrong the first time - shame on me!)

I'm going to interview with these people but after some serious discussion with my parents and Kev, I don't want to flit around from job to job. And don't I owe something to my current employer to stick this out a little longer as things are developing? And, frankly I just am not so sure they will even want me. Even if it is in a medical library. (Oooh, get it? medical library? kel has a monkey heart? harharhahar - ok, give me a break, it's 4:30 a.m.)

I will say, they have to make me an offer I simply can't refuse. Like for serious, dead horse head in your bed kind of offer.

And who wants an offer like that?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why Couldn't The Past 6 Months Have Been THIS Easy

So I hope you all are having a kick-ass Thursday. Kev's taking a nap right now, he worked last night for one night and tomorrow we get to drive 9 hours to go to a wedding back in Texas. I am very excited about seeing friends and getting to honk at the trolls when we cross the Louisiana/Texas border.

What?!? You don't honk your horn when you cross state lines or drive over bridges or cattle guards? You simply must do this! It's totally cautionary, really, but you never know. Forget once and you could have quite a troll problem on your hands. Just trust me on this.

Anyway, back to the dude that's tap dancing for joy up there. You know how I was bemoaning the other day that I needed another job, additional job, or something? Well, I applied for a job in between the last time we all talked about it and the company just called and they want an interview next Friday.

Where were these eager beavers back in March?

All I can say is that I'm tickled pink. Perhaps because I already have a job, I don't smell as desperate to these folks. Hmm...could give me some negotiating power.

We shall see.

Anyway, just wanted to share the exciting put a spring in my step.


Ick Ack Ook

Ok, so I know, not what you wanted to see with your morning coffee, but look what I noticed this morning growing in between our linoleum in the kitchen. You see, I know you are probably judging me that my house is this dirty, especially in this particular spot. Except, what you don't understand is that when it rains here, and boy does it rain, water comes pouring in from our back door and streams all the way to the kitchen entrance. We keep towels there to sop up the water when we know it's going to rain.

I really wish our landlord would take care of the giant trees growing out of our gutters. Perhaps then, the water wouldn't come streaming into our kitchen via the back door. Just saying.

Hope you all have an awesome Thursday - take a moment to notice the little things today. Like the fungi growing on your kitchen floor.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah

Wednesday! Where did YOU come from!?!

Wednesday. I like Wednesday. That means tomorrow is Thursday, which is my Friday.
Yeah, I gotta find a different job.

I was talking to my friend Jake last night and he observed that all I have done since I've been in New Orleans has been look for a job. That is very true.

I feel like I know the go-to job sites for this city and have a specific method to searching/applying, blah.blah.blah...

My mom is worried that I've lost my Can-Do attitude, and maybe I have a little. *sigh* I just need to get it back because I have come to realize that Oliver's bat-shit craziness illness has a lot to do with the stress that Kev and I are putting out in our household.

I like my job. I like who I work for and I feel like if I found a different job, I would be abandoning that person for selfish reasons. But, wait. Isn't that the point? I don't know what's going to happen and I can't foresee the future, but I do know that something has to change for me as far as a job.

So, the search is continuing, while I work where I work. This is necessary. The working.

And, finding a different, perhaps additional job.

I'm drowning in stress and if the kitties really do feel our emotions, all I can say is, "Kitties, I'm sorry if this stress hurts because I must admit, it's kind of starting to hurt me, too."

And Oliver. I love you despite yourself. We aren't giving up but PLEEAAAASEEEE get better!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kingdom No. 5

Hey y'all...

I thought I'd let you know what's going on with our bat-shit crazy adorable fur baby, Oliver.

We visited the vet again last week, and of course it was quite traumatic for him. Oy. So, now he gets to take Zanax before he visits Dr. Scott. While I think this is probably a good thing for Oliver, this is probably more beneficial to Dr. Scott. I can't say I blame him - I think the vet techs at the office kind of hate Oliver. Now, when they see us coming, they give us a weak smile and sigh.

Anyway, back to the visit. The goal was to get another sample of his urine for testing, except Oliver had decided to use the bathroom in his carrier. STINKY STINKY STINKY STINKY STINKY

And we all know Oliver can be a diva about his appearance. Thank Tyrannosaurus Rex for the one vet tech that I adore - he just seems to "get" Oliver. Or, he's just extremely nice. While we were waiting to talk with Dr. Scott, he went ahead and bathed Oliver and took care of a knot that had formed in his fur on his chest. Then, he sprayed a pet perfume called "Kingdom No. 5" on him. He smelled lovely!

Since we couldn't get a sample on that visit, we took him back the next morning and they got the sample. Test results came back yesterday - he still has an infection. So, more antibiotics for Oliver and they are testing the culture to see what antibiotic will take this sucker down...

Please pray for Oliver and a speedy recovery - I think Kevin is reaching the end of his rope with these vet bills. But, I'm not giving up on him yet. We are so close!

A Comparison of Sorts....

Okay, so lately I have been reflecting about the breaking news stories that happen around here in New Orleans. Back in A-town, the news was hardly ever shocking or horrible, or at least too horrible, unless it was a national news story.

For grins, I thought it would be interesting to compare a headline news story from A-town's paper this morning to a headline news story from

First off, we have A-town: "Four cows die in crash on Fritch highway"

Oh my goodness, these poor babies! What a terrible way to go, in a giant truck with all your friends and crash, bang, boom, your cow life as you know it is over. I'm glad no humans were harmed.

So I know there are probably a few more exciting headlines in Amarillo's paper today, but I am using this one for emphasis. They report the deaths of cows. Not all the time. But still.

There is something very safe about a community that reports cow deaths, don't you think?

Now we have New Orleans: "3 shootings overnight injure 5 people on the Westbank"

Yeah. Enough said. I think NOLA kicks A-town's ass when it comes to danger. Except that isn't necessarily a good thing. But, I am continuing my belief that if I can live in New Orleans and survive, then I can live anywhere.

I hope you all had a rockin' 4th of July!
