Monday, February 14, 2011

Heart Day Special

Hey Y'All.  Happy St. Valentines Day! 

I hope you all squeeze your loved ones extra hard today.  And everyday, for that matter.  Loved ones are important.  And so are hearts.  Hearts are precious and everyone should take care of their tickers. 

For serious.  You know why?  Because you only have one and it's not like you can go to the hardware store and pick out the latest model with special iPod attachment. (Oh Tyrannosaurus Rex - please help us if we ever get to that point!)

The reason I'm on my soap box today is because apparently 31 years ago to the day, I had my first heart cath procedure in Houston, TX.  It's when they figured out what was really wrong with me.  An Italian doctor did that procedure and he apparently had a very thick accent.  When he was finished, he informed my parents, "She's ok!  She only has 2 holes in her heart! Gotta Go! Ciao!"  (Come to think of it, an Italian doctor performed my second heart cath as well...I say it's a  trend and from now on, only Italians get to catheterize my heart!)

While hearing about my experiences with the heart is I'm sure fascinating, I'm writing because my mommy needs your prayers today on this Heart Day.  She is, ironically, undergoing a heart cath procedure today, 31 years to the day after she and my father took me to Houston to find out, "She's fine. Only two holes!"  So, today, pray for my mom that she is safe and has as good a prognosis as I did 31 years ago. 

Heart stuff sucks.  So, chickens, take care of your tickers.  Your loved ones will thank you for it!

And to my mommy, I love you very much. 


  1. Oh, Chickie - I'll pray for your Momma. Heart stuff does suck! I love you! Big, big, big!

  2. Hope your momma does great, Kels. Let's give thanks for our hearts....imperfect as they are. Have a love-filled day!

  3. hope it went and snuggles
