Thursday, April 28, 2011

You, Sir, Are No Gentleman!

Of course, Rhett then replies to Scarlett, "And you, Miss, are no lady."

I had never watched Gone With the Wind until the other day.  That is a freaking looooooong movie.  But, I was surprised by the progressiveness of the message, considering the time the movie was made.

Don't push everyone away, don't wish for something that simply will never be, don't be in your head so darn much.  If you do go about your life, preferring to think about things tomorrow and longing after an imaginary love, rather than taking a good, hard look at your reality and what is happening to you, in your life, you will have someone saying to you, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"

I want people to continue giving a damn about me.  So, I think I'll continue working on my giving a damn about the world around me.

*Stepping out from my cave now*

Happy Thursday!  Ooooh, and the Royal Wedding is tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I love the tags for this. And I love the message! You've got to give damns to get damns. Or something like that.
