We went to our first official Mardi Gras parade, as New Orleanians, on Saturday night. This parade was the Krewe de Vieux. It's a very satirical parade that throws a lot of punches at the local government and overall culture of the city. Angry? Tired of the political climate? Frustrated with your "due process"? Well, say it with a parade!

I think I need to live here a bit longer to really understand these stabs at the establishment. Not sure what they were trying to say with this one, but it's pretty (and one of the more PG-13 rated floats).

It's election time, again. And this year, we get a new mayor. I think the city is so excited for a change in city leadership. There were lots of jabs at Mr. Nagin. Remember his "Chocolate City"?

I really think they did a good job capturing the likeness to the Mayor. Who knew he still talked on one of the first cell phones invented. Remember those?

Again, they don't much like the Mayor right now. But, I can't say I blame 'em. There's been a lot of water under the bridge (and over) with this one.

These ladies looked nice! I really like the turquoise petticoat.

The sea of sperms belonged to a float that was paying tribute to the Continental Airline pilots that got lost along the way. You can imagine what activities the pilots on the float (not real people) were partaking in. And the picture of the lady - those aren't her real "ladies". I know, I know. It's getting saucy up in here.

These guys had people dressed up as voodoo dolls walking behind the float. I liked this one!
Overall, the parade was a lot of fun. I would share more pictures but seriously, this site would get taken down.
Hope you all have a great Tuesday! And, just remember that if you are frustrated with your government, take it to the streets in the form of a parade! It might wake some people up or at least make you feel better!
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