Mardi Gras is over. The King Cake has been devoured. All that is left is the baby. A reminder of what is to come next year, and the year after, and the year after that.

My brother and his g.f. came to visit for Mardi Gras this year. He counted and I believe we saw a total of 13 parades while they were here. If you add in the few parades Kev and I caught prior to their arrival, I saw a total of 16 parades this year. That's a lot of beads, my friends.

Each parade featured a few marching bands. Yay for the bands! I am particularly fond of the twirlers that wear the boots with the tassels. They also have taps on the bottom of their boots. This makes for a nice cadence when they go marching down the street. *Click* *Click* *Click* *SWOOSH*

Oh, my! Another gator. You know me and my gators around here. I love them. I really wish you all could have been here and caught the magnitude that is Mardi Gras. These aren't tiny floats. Lots of detail is placed in each and every one. It's a lot of fun!

This guy was from the Rex parade. I love how they use gold leaf to accentuate the flame flowers on this float. And the burning balls of fire coming out of his hands were interesting.

Sparkle, sparkle, BABY! This twirler's costume is fabulous. I appreciate their choice of the shiny dance tights. I believe we stopped wearing those back in the late 80s, but these girls love their shiny tights.

To the moon, Alice! I thought the face of the moon was sweet.

These flame twirler people were awesome! They did really crazy tricks with these - just make sure you aren't standing too close! You might get your eyebrows singed off!

The themes of each parade are often centered around mystical ideas. This winged unicorn was nice. I don't like these riders' masks, though. Kind of frightening. But, it is Mardi Gras and what is Mardi Gras without a little bit of terror.

On to the throws! We caught a bunch of interesting items this year. Here is the collection of stuffed animals we managed to catch. Oh, and a stuffed birthday cake!

Kev with the spear we caught from Orpheus. I LOVE THAT PARADE! I particularly love Kev's face in this picture. He looks quite menacing, don't you think?

A koozie from Muses. Yes, the Muses are wearing party hats. It was their 10th anniversary, after all.

Speaking of Muses, we caught a couple of all important shoes from these ladies. It's special to get a shoe. Plus, they are covered in glitter. Have I mentioned I like sparkly things?

Another interesting catch. Boudreaux's Butt Paste. Yes, we caught diaper rash ointment. This was from a more tongue in cheek parade. You never know when you will need some butt paste. I hear Boudreaux's is the best!

Toilet paper from the Tucks parade. They have a huge potty theme going on with this group. Lots of "toilet humor".

Speaking of toilets, we also caught a plastic toilet from Tucks. Even the toilet is in the theme of Mardi Gras! Need a purple, gold, and green toilet? We have one!

We have now entered into Lent. Mardi Gras is over. Sinning is done, or should be done, for at least 40 days. No meat on Fridays.
It's always a let down after Carnival season has passed. At least for me. We have such a good time with family and friends, and then poof! It's over. Time to head back to the real world with responsibilities and a lack of festivities. At least Jazz Fest is just around the corner.
Happy Saturday. I hope you all have a great weekend!
I can hardly wait to send my kids to Mardi Gras with you! Can't you just see Abby getting in a row over some Butt Paste??