Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Wanna Walk Like You, Talk Like You

Posing With Friends - Photo bombing tourists rocks

So I just found this hilarious site you guys should check out for a giggle.  It's called Posing With Friends and the concept is basically photo bombing tourist shots by copying exactly whatever pose they may be taking and having a friend take your picture, hopefully without the other peoples' knowledge.  Very funny for a giggle.

It reminds me of a time in college when I had gone out dancing with my then boyfriend, his friend and a couple of my girlfriends. We were at this silly club, dancing and shimmying.  There was this one particular dude that was dancing his heart out, but he was dancing all techno-like.  You know what I mean, kind of a mix between hip hop and club dancing where he wishes he was at a rave and had glow sticks in his hands when he would twist his wrists while he was dancing.  This type of dancing, while I can respect it's origins, kind of annoys me when in a club.  I don't know why, I think it's the ballet snob in me.  I don't consider it true dancing, even though I know it is.  I'm a snob sometimes, I get it.

Anyway, so this guys dancing his super-techno dancy dance, and he had kept on entering my dance bubble.  For those of you who don't know, a dance bubble is the area around yourself in which no other person should enter.  That sounds naughty.  I mean that you as a person, when dancing in a club solo or in dance class, are allotted a good 2 feet bubble around your dancing person, 1 foot for friends in a club, so that no major injuries occur in the flailing of limbs.  I like safety because it hurts to whack fingers together unexpectedly.  Mr. Techno kept entering my dance bubble and I was tired of it.  I went behind him and started copying the exact dance moves he was doing.  I made sure I was completely behind him so he couldn't see and danced like him for a good half a song before he noticed.  Then he noticed, and I promptly stopped, smiled, turned on my heel and went to the ladies room and had a good giggle.  Like I said before, I'm a snob sometimes.

So, dance-bomb or photo-bomb all you want.  But be ready for a confrontation if you find a feisty one.  I was lucky that time....

Happy Wednesday!


  1. That's so funny. I freaking HATE it when someone gets all up in my dance bubble. I TOTALLY know what you mean. Especially those weirdos that try to get all close-in behind you, and you have to do a big spin move with arms out wide just to get the message to them that you don't want to dance nuts-to-butt with them.

  2. LOL, Foxy! You said nuts-to-butt...hahahahahahahaha! That is a definite violation of the personal dance bubble code! I hate it when that happens! My girlfriends and I figured out that we didn't receive any unwanted nuts-to-butt contact at gay clubs and had a waaay better time, with better music to boot!
