I repeat. DO NOT TELL ME IT IS NOT ART! I had an interview recently with someone who works on the outside of the arts industry. A supplier of sorts. He needed someone educated (obviously, because he couldn't even seem to spell educated correctly) and I know that this post will wipe out any chance I ever had of working with him, but I do not care.
He asked me what my hopes were in working with him. I answered, to work in an arts associated field and still have the flexibility to take a ballet class if I wanted. Then he informed me that his industry was not the arts. Excuse my language, but BULLSHIT! To all my friends who are lighting designers and set designers and stage managers, you are artists. You may not be on the stage when the lights go up and the audience is anxiously awaiting your performance, but YOU make the production happen. YOU are just as much a part of the entire theatre experience as any actor, dancer, or singer.
Therefore, to my uneducated interviewer. Suck it. You need some perspective on what truly goes on when making a production, whether it be a stage show or a major film production. IT IS ALL ART. It is a type of thinking. It is a common thread of creativity that brings everyone together and frankly, can make even the most common of person feel something. Thank you for your time but, no thank you. Perhaps you were threatened and that is why you reposted your job listing an hour after I left your presence. I feel sorry for you. Feel something. Create something. Struggle through something rather than have something just handed to you because you were born into it. That is not living and I consider it a blessing that the Great Universe is keeping that position away from me. That keeps you safe because if I were your employee and had to listen to how much we weren't a part of the arts, I think I would have to stab you with a blunt object. (Not really, I'm not the violent type, but I would atleast play out that scenario in my head repeatedly.)
Thank you for the opportunity to practice my interviewing skills, once again. Also, thank you for showing me that just because I interview with someone does not mean I have to accept a job just because it is available. I will find my place here and it will be with individuals that understand me and understand what it is to be creatively minded.
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