Yuck. Gross. Poor babies! Our cat Alice has not been acting like herself lately. She normally is very sweet and wants lots of love and attention. She always loved her backside "spanked" (little love pats by her tail) but recently, when we would pet her, she would randomly lick the air. WHAT?!? Very odd to see, actually. We thought she had ant bites or mosquito bites because we were allowing her to sit on our balcony to sun her buns.
Then I noticed her biting at her fur and Oliver had started scratching like crazy as well. So, last night I did some research and figured out that our "babies" have fleas. YUCK! GROSS! In the seven years we have had the cats, they have never had a flea, tick or tapeworm. Now, it seems we are infested with them.
Thankfully, we found a wonderful veterinary hospital down the street. Magazine Street Animal Clinic was more than helpful and hooked us up with some Advantage. So, here's a tip to all you animal lovers: if you live in a humid, warm climate like we are now living, you MUST treat your pets for fleas. Apparently, it doesn't get cold enough here to ever freeze and kill the little buggers off so they just grow and multiply and become even more of a pest.
We applied the treatment to their fur and both kitties seem to be much happier. After a thorough mopping and washing every last stitch of fabric in the house, I think we might have killed the beasts. I feel like a bad kitty mommy for not realizing sooner that our cats had such a common problem. I guess that's what we get for being naive to the ways of the swamp lands. I'm learning new things all the time.
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