"We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world."
Helen Keller
As of late, I have been learning to find my joy in the little things. No longer do I have a job that makes me feel important and powerful. I have simplified my life in such a way that I have had to readjust how I approach and appreciate things. Back in Texas, Kev and I led a cushy life. We had friends and money and things to do. I didn't have to worry if I didn't feel like cooking dinner and wanted to go out to eat. That is no longer the case and honestly, I am VERY happy about that. (Except we live in a city that is known for it's delicious cuisine and it would be nice to partake in said food from time to time.)
We plan our grocery trips according to what is on sale. We make it a point to not go grocery shopping until we have eaten everything in the fridge and pantry, including all the leftovers. This has made me realize how much we wasted back in Amarillo. What horrible consumers we were. This reminds me of the starving children our mothers warned us about. Shame on us.
I have found joy in really taking care of my husband. Making sure he has clean socks and clean scrubs and the bed is made. (Because, honestly, doesn't it just FEEL better to get into a bed that has been made up in the morning? Something about crisper sheets and a positive flow of energy for you Feng Shui people)
I find joy in the magnolia tree that is across the street and the little boys that run up and down our block playing. Speaking of those boys, I saw them running down the sidewalk yesterday, avoiding stepping on every crack along the way. How do I know they were playing "Don't break your mother's back"? Because I played this when I was little, too. Oh, to not have any care in the world except what outfit I was going to wear on the first day of school!
I am learning and growing with these self imposed hardships. As I continue to find my niche in this close-knit community, I make it a point to remind myself of the little things that still bring me joy every single day. My husband, the kitties, actually having made the move to New Orleans, and knowing that these current hardships shall pass.
I think you might have found your new profession.... WRITING