I don't know where this trait came from. I have always been, for the most part, pretty obedient. Obedient because the fear of God was put in me at an early age. And by fear of God, I mean fear of getting in trouble at home. If I got in trouble at school, it wouldn't have been anything in comparison to the reprimands from my parents. Okay, well, my dad. (Something about a big, boomy man voice - but really, he's a softie.) My mom didn't scare me. :) Usually.
This reminds me of a particular incident in kindergarten. Mrs. Alexander was my teacher. She was nice, but I don't think I was one of her favorite students. Nothing against me or her, I just think she liked the other kids better. But, I digress.
One day, I showed up to school with a balloon. I think this was a balloon that my brother had received from the lady who cut his hair at SuperCuts. It was not inflated, and navy blue. Mrs. Alexander was doing her teaching thing, as teachers do. Maybe we were working on learning to count in Spanish that day, I don't remember. But I was itching to play with this balloon. Blow it up, feel the rubber in my mouth. I know, sounds kind of gross. I was dead set on playing with this balloon - her lesson was boring me, I suppose.
So, I pulled the balloon out of my pocket and started playing with it. Blowing it up a little, letting the air out. Very disruptive, I'm sure. Mrs. Alexander noticed. She wasn't too happy. She said, "Kelly, put that balloon away or I'm going to put your name on the board." Oh no! My name on the board?!? I'd never had my name on the board before. So, being the obedient child I was, I put it away.
Except, the balloon was too tempting. Too much fun to play with. And, I sneaked it back out. Inflate. Deflate. Trying to do it on the sly, of course. Yet, how do you blow up a balloon without someone noticing? My five year old mind didn't comprehend this, of course.
"Kelly! I TOLD you to PUT THAT BALLOON AWAY!!!!", she said. Oh no! I'd done it now! I put it away.
But the balloon was calling my name. Begging me to throw caution to the wind and play! Who cares that I was supposed to be learning. So, out it came again. Oh, balloon. How I love you so. How fun you are to inflate. Lalalala...wait. Is she yelling again?
Next thing I knew, my name was on the board. Right there, at the top, written in white chalk. I had NEVER had my name on the board! I got scared. My tummy did a flip flop. I put the balloon away. Again. But, it whispered my name again. It said, "Who cares if your name is on the board? You only REALLY get in trouble if you have three checks by your name. Play with me!"
Okay, balloon. Let's play some more. I can be a rebel. :) So, out it came once more. Mrs. Alexander was livid at this point! Livid!
She came over to where I was sitting and ripped the balloon out of my hands. She threw it away! Then walked over to the board and put TWO checks by my name. Oh boy! My tummy did another flip flop.
Because I was, for the most part, a good girl, I didn't push it any more. How could I? She killed my balloon! I think I might have started to cry a little, as was my custom. But, I sucked it up. I was mad! She KILLED MY BALLOON!!!!!
I don't remember what happened after that. I don't know if she told my parents. I don't remember getting in trouble when I got home, but I might have. You would have to ask my mom.
I pushed my limits that day. Name on the board, two checks by my name. But, I hadn't been sent to the Principal's office! Daddy didn't scream at me in his big, boomy voice! In my opinion, I was victorious!
And, it was totally worth it.
Escaping by the skin of our teeth - always worth it. I'm just glad you didn't tell some college stories. I'd probably get my name put up on the board with check marks andfast!