This is Lillian Champ. She was a champ. Really! Look at how sassy she looks, lounging on that church bench enjoying her treat! She was a good friend of my grandparents in Cincinnati (Cincinnatah - that's how Grandma and Grandpa pronounced it). Anytime I saw her, she was wearing a fetching hat. Usually a red hat - but trust me, this was before the Red Hat Society got big. The recipe I'm about to share is hers originally, but I also attribute it to my mom.
Mom's (Lillian Champ's) Meatloaf. Now before you say, "Blegh! Meatloaf!", you need to give this recipe a try. It's not your usual suspect. It's tangy, it's sweet, and frankly it's delicious!!!!

For the meatloaf, you will need:
1 lb of ground beef
1 medium onion
1 egg
2 - 3 slices of bread
salt & pepper
Worcestershire Sauce
Notice how the ground beef says "Not For Sale"? Well, that's because we got our beef from Kansas. From Kevin's grandparents. Yep. They raised that beef. On grain and no hormones. Nice! Except, I met the cow we are about to eat. At least, I THINK I met that cow. (But I don't like thinking about such things....) She was in a pin, away from the rest of her cow family. I thought, oh, she must be sick! Poor cow. Then the family looked at me funny and Kev said, "Kel, how do you think we get to enjoy those steaks?" Ohhhhhh...... :(

Chop your onions. Oh, Hi Monkey Peeler! Whatcha doing? Monkey Peeler shrieked his monkey shriek at me and informed me he wanted to help me cook. I think I heard him call out to his friends, Mr. Toucan and Jamie Hayes Devil Doll, but it was a whisper and I was distracted with my prep.

Mr. Toucan! How nice to see you in the kitchen. "What did you put in that bowl?", said Mr. Toucan. Well, we have ground beef, chopped onions, about 1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce, some bread that I made crumbs in the food processor, salt and pepper, and an egg.

It's time to mix it all together! Use your hands - but wash them first, please! Hi Jaime Hayes Devil Doll! "This looks interesting, lady. Why are you using your hands to mush that concoction? It looks kind of icky...and it's making a weird noise!" Oh, Jaime Hayes Devil Doll! Didn't you learn from our last cooking experience that patience is a virtue?

"Hi Mom!" Oh, Jamie Hayes Devil Doll! You are messing with my cooking mojo! And isn't your "mom" a man? After all, you did come from Jamie Hayes.
Form the meat mixture into loaves. Note that we have three loaves in this picture - when I make this, I make more than we are going to eat because it freezes well. It's good to do that - like a squirrel collecting nuts for winter.

Brown the loaves. I find that if you dust them with a little flour, they brown up very nicely. "There is a loaf for each of us! Ooooooohhhhh!", said Mr. Toucan. Ummm...boys, I hate to break it to you, but we aren't going to be enjoying all this goodness tonight. "You are so mean to us!", said Jamie Hayes Devil Doll.

Once the loaves are browned, pop your pan into the oven. I use a cast iron skillet for everything, but you can always use a regular baking pan. I think Mr. Toucan and Monkey peeler are excited! Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

The sauce is the key to this recipe. It's the stardust that makes it extra, extra special.
You will need:
Tomato sauce
Yellow mustard
Brown Sugar
Okay, so I don't have exact measurements for this. Pour the tomato sauce into a bowl, add the mustard (maybe 1/4 - 1/2 a cup?), brown sugar (again, 1/4 - 1/2 a cup) and vinegar. You want it to taste sweet, but have a tang to it. The tang is key. You want it to feel it in the top of your head. Or am I the only one who feels vinegar in the top of my head?

Mr. Toucan! Get your nose out of that sauce! "But it smells tangy and I want to taste it!", said Mr. Toucan. Wait, darling bird! It will be worth it!
After your loaves have cooked for 45 minutes, pour the sauce on top and cook for another 15 minutes.

Time to peel the potatoes! "Heeeheeeheee! That tickles! Why are you making me work?", said Monkey Peeler. Umm...because you are a peeler, Monkey Peeler! You have a purpose! "My purpose is to eat meatloaf!" Ahem. Gotta sing for your supper, boy!
Of course, you will then boil your potatoes and mash them. I'm sure everyone knows how to make mashed potatoes!

*DING* Meatloaf is done! "Hooray! We can eat! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" said the 'boys' in unison! Kev was right there with Mr. Toucan, Monkey Peeler, and Jamie Hayes Devil Doll!

And, voila! You have your meal! I serve it with mashed potatoes and corn, usually. I know, kind of cliche but sometimes cliche is nice. Try it! You won't be disappointed. And, I think Lillian Champ would be upset if you didn't give it a try. Don't upset that sassy lady - she might have to chomp you!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm I do remember your mom's meatloaf delicious!!!!!! And I remember meeting Lillian the time we went to visit your grandparents for the 50th anniversary... What a great time we had.
ReplyDeletemy my.... looks like devil doll is misbehavin' again. xoJH
ReplyDeletemy my.... looks like devil doll is misbehavin' again. xoJH