I still need to decorate. We still have the fall wreath on the door and the orange lights up from Halloween. I thought it worked, since fall colors include orange. Except, now it's time for red and green and gold and silver! I know Alice is ready for us to decorate! She found the wreath we pulled out to start decorating with and decided it looked better on her than the door!
Kevin and I were driving the other night and I made him take a detour down St. Charles Avenue so we could admire the giant houses and their festive decorations. It warmed my heart and made me want to decorate our house.
Then, I was sad. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss all the little traditions we shared when we were back in A-town. Unfortunately, we are unable to go back to Texas for Christmas. Kevin has to work - again! I'm so proud that he works at such a well respected institution of medicine, but can't I have ONE holiday with him, sans the scrubs?
Most of you have already decorated your homes for the holidays. The tree and lights are up. The ornaments are delicately placed on your tree and many of you probably have presents wrapped and waiting under those trees. Good for you.
I am having a hard time finding my motivation - to continue traditions and make our home feel like a holiday home. That is no excuse really. Perhaps I'm being lazy. Perhaps I'm a little depressed. This time of year can do that to a person. Plus, living in a climate that does not usually see snow, it's hard for me to picture a winter wonderland with palm trees and banana trees down the street.
We were out in the French Quarter this past weekend. The mule drawn carriages were decorated for the holidays. The mules even had poinsettias in their bridles. (Is that the correct term?) We went into a favorite establishment to enjoy an adult beverage and I was handed a piece of construction paper and a pair of scissors - "Make us a snowflake!"
I haven't done that in YEARS! It was fun. It was kind of difficult. But I tried my hardest and it turned out okay. A yellow snowflake with hearts (maybe a dog had gotten hold of my particular snowflake!)
So, I'm inspired to decorate like when I was a child. Snowflakes on the windows and paper chains. I can do it!
What are your favorite holiday traditions? What is your tree like? Do you have a "theme tree" every year or do you have a magical collection of history on your tree? Do tell! I need more inspiration and am wanting a sense of family, since most of mine lives about a million miles away (my doing, not theirs).
Happy Holidays, y'all! I'm begging for some shared inspiration...
well of course you know what our tree looks like it is FULL of wonderful memories of my time with you, Chris and all the other children i have taken care of over the years. It looks wonderful with all the different ornaments from all the places we have traveled. We love you very much and know that your Christmas will be the beginning of a wonderful time of building memories for a long time to come.