Monday, June 7, 2010

Prayers for Oliver

Hey y'all. I hope you had an awesome weekend. Ok, so we have to take Oliver to the vet today. He's been peeing blood - I'm kind of freaking out. But, we will get it taken care of. I think he has a bladder infection, but I'm not a vet.

The oddest thing is that he has started putting his head inside the litter box with his bottom outside and going to the bathroom on the floor. Thank GOD we don't have carpet anymore.

So, please say a prayer for our fur baby. I don't know how much more random peeing Kevin is willing to endure - or Oliver for that matter!

I'll keep you posted.



  1. Oh no! I really hope things turn out okay! I'll definitely keep him in my thoughts. Sending as much healing energy your way as I can!

  2. okay, i admit it. it's nunna' my biz, but i really can't help myself. who is the sentient being in this equation. perhaps i'm confusing the issue with logic but it seems to me that the 2nd or 3rd time the oliver peed on my socks i might have thought to my self, self, when i pull my socks off i'll not drop them on the floor, but deposit them in the laundry, instead. perhaps then oliver will stop peeinng on them. likely there is an odor about the socks, maybe not even a bad odor, but having been cooped up in shoes for 12+ hours some odor detected by the feline nose that triggers the peeing response. a marking of territory thing maybe. or maybe, like you say, oliver is just bat shit crazy. aio
