Thursday, October 21, 2010

Su Mama Le Gusto el Chorizo

When my lovely parents came to visit, we took them to our favorite burger joint in the French Quarter, Yo Mama's. Cold drinks and delicious burgers! Seriously, y'all! It's just a little hole in the wall type of place but the ambiance is seriously seedy in a really awesome way. Belly up to the bar, have a cold Abita, and get yourself a Bleu Cheese burger with a side salad. (They don't serve french fries with their burgers, but you can ask for a baked potato.)

But, I digress. Aside from the cold drinks and great food, this bar offers something even more entertaining should you have to visit the facilities. Upon entering the bar, I promptly asked my mom if she had to go to the ladies room. She didn't. :(

However, after her Colorado Bulldog, she decided a trip to the loo was in order. *YES!!!*

You see, to get to the bathrooms at Yo Mama's, you have to go outside, walk down a little alley and then you are at the restrooms. (Don't ask, it's New have to use your space wisely around these parts.) So, I escorted my mom to the restroom and waited. Giggled and waited...

Mom, why are you smiling so big? Was your trip to the restroom THAT satisfying?!?

I'm sure it was, not for the business at hand, but rather the fabulous collage of "art" adorning the wall in the ladies room. You see, Yo Mama's provides the ladies with a beautiful collage of man chorizo, Playgirl style. Yep. That's a picture of my momma after admiring all the man bits. And let me tell you chickens, there are a lot of man bits to admire in that collage. (Gentlemen, don't be disappointed as I am told there is an equally graphic collage of lady bits to admire in the men's restroom as well.)

Therefore, Su Mama le gusto el chorizo! Aye! Bueno!

Happy Thursday!