Thursday, August 16, 2012


This summer, I had the distinct pleasure to go on a cruise to the Hawaiian islands with my family.  My dad treated us all on this trip to paradise where we sailed on a cruise ship and got to experience some of the most beautiful sights a person can experience in his or her life.  It was truly amazing and beautiful.

You see, my dad had just retired from his job as a R.N. for an organization that he worked for over 40 years.  I could have my numbers wrong, but 40 sounds right to me because I have never known him to work anywhere besides the hospital at which he worked.  That is some dedication, my friends!  My brothers and their companions, along with myself, were all treated to this vacation in paradise to celebrate his accomplishments as a nurse (my mom came along, too!).

While in Hawaii, I got to try my hand at snorkeling!  What an amazing experience to get to swim in such clear blue waters AND get to swim next to sea turtles and all the fish you see in Finding Nemo.  Seriously - I never thought I would have that experience in my life!  At first, I was a little scared, but then I got really into it - you just have to float on your belly and learn to relax your breathing and go slow.  You don't want to miss any fish!

We rode on a Zodiac boat out to a particular reef area and on the way we got to see spinner dolphins swimming along-side our boat.  Those guys can swim super fast (well, the boat goes fast too and those dolphins were keeping up)!  We also went kayaking and snorkeled off the kayaks.

I think my favorite part about the entire experience was getting to see these amazing sights with some of my favorite people in the world.  The picture above is of the sunset over the beach on our last night in Hawaii.  I hope to have the pleasure of visiting again sometime in my near future.

So, thank you Dad and Mom for a wonderful experience.  It truly was a trip of a lifetime and I love everyone very, very much.


Over the Rainbow / What a wonderful World - IZ, Israel Kamakawiwo`Ole


  1. Sounds like a vacation of a lifetime!! What a wonderful way to celebrate a lifetime of service.

