Monday, May 24, 2010

GrEaT SeEd WaTcH: We Have Fruit!

Our garden, as it looks this morning. Very green and growing well. I figured out we have leggy tomato plants, but that's okay. They still have flowers on them and the season is still early. I have faith in these guys!

I don't know if you can tell, but the cucumbers are taller than the railing! We tied some string around the railing so the plants would have something to grab onto besides the tomatoes and onions. So far, so good!

The best part!?! The cucumber! It's tiny! But I'm so excited! Grow, grow, grow! Too bad Kev doesn't like cucumbers. *Sigh*

Hope you all had a lovely weekend. My thoughts and prayers are still with Lloyd, my Mary and my Judy and the rest of Jackie's family.

Have a great Monday and give your loved one's an extra squeeze today.


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