Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why Couldn't The Past 6 Months Have Been THIS Easy

So I hope you all are having a kick-ass Thursday. Kev's taking a nap right now, he worked last night for one night and tomorrow we get to drive 9 hours to go to a wedding back in Texas. I am very excited about seeing friends and getting to honk at the trolls when we cross the Louisiana/Texas border.

What?!? You don't honk your horn when you cross state lines or drive over bridges or cattle guards? You simply must do this! It's totally cautionary, really, but you never know. Forget once and you could have quite a troll problem on your hands. Just trust me on this.

Anyway, back to the dude that's tap dancing for joy up there. You know how I was bemoaning the other day that I needed another job, additional job, or something? Well, I applied for a job in between the last time we all talked about it and the company just called and they want an interview next Friday.

Where were these eager beavers back in March?

All I can say is that I'm tickled pink. Perhaps because I already have a job, I don't smell as desperate to these folks. Hmm...could give me some negotiating power.

We shall see.

Anyway, just wanted to share the exciting put a spring in my step.



  1. YAY YAY YAY!!!
    I really hope this works out for you!

  2. Yay! This is great news, Kelly! I'm so very excited for you!

  3. Congrats on the interview! And I think you're right about the smell of desperation. ;)

    Have a safe drive!
