Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday Thoughts: Inspiration - What To Do When You've Lost Your Mojo?

So everyone has been talking about what inspires them, and as it turns out, all the members of our little rogue writing group have touched on all the various things that inspire me already.  Well, besides the obvious of kitties, puppies, unicorns, and cheese.  Oh, cheese, how I love thee, so!  How your melty ways find their ways to my derriere, and then I hate you.  But, again, I love you.  CHEESE!  WHY MUST YOU TORTURE ME SO?

What I wanted to talk about is what do you do when you have lost your inspiration?  If you look at my blog history, there were a couple of months in there where I only wrote a handful of blogs for the entire month.  I have written more this month than I have managed to in a long time.  It's refreshing.  Like a much needed rain, you know?

Our little rogue writing group, I already feel very protective of you all.  I hope you know that.  I've already learned a lot about you all, simply by perusing your various posts.  What I'm getting at is that it's important to connect with people.  Even if it is over the internet with a woman in Malaysia.  Knowing that we are all out there, writing our passions and thoughts and feelings down, and supporting each other in our endeavors.  That is what inspires me and is what I must force myself to seek when I want to run away and not face the world around me.

You see, I have been dealing with a bit of a dark rain cloud hanging over my head lately.  It's clearing, obviously, hence my emergence from le cave.  But, if you wrap yourself in an insulator blanket of hatred and your own self-destructive thoughts, you morph into this troll hermit person that does not represent the soul of a Monkey Heart Possessor.  And I am, after all, a Monkey Heart Possessor.

Basically, when you have lost that inspiration, change your situation.  It's how my husband and I ended up in New Orleans.  I know that my own pattern of spiraling down into a loss of inspiration for life has a lot to do with not being challenged and ignoring the hunger that I have to learn about any topic possible.  We left Texas because I had lost my inspiration in that place.  I needed to shake it up, change my scenery, lose my anger toward a very good place, and move into a new phase of inspiration in my life.

The move to New Orleans inspired this blog.  I convinced myself that it would be a great way for people to catch up on how we are doing in the Big Easy, plugging along, rocking and rolling.  However, this place, The Monkey Heart Discourses, has morphed into something entirely unexpected and not what I had originally set out for it to be.  Hell, honestly, I didn't have a plan for the blog.  And we didn't have a complete plan when we moved 900 miles away from Texas.

But, here we are, surrounded by an inspiration overload.  It is a little overwhelming at times, the amount of stimuli available to those willing to participate.  And I want to do it all!  A big part of me does...but that's the challenge, do you continue taking these huge leaps in order to achieve a higher level of inspiration?

I think that is the sign of an artist's heart.  Never satisfied, always trying to make it better, even if it wasn't broken in the first place.  So, if it is broken, or even if it isn't, don't be afraid to turn over your apple cart a few times in your life.  It's short, and you don't want to die wishing you had seen Paris.


  1. Been there - done that and kudos for you for having the courage to gather up your life and haul ass to The Big Easy.  A few years ago hubby and I felt we were at the end of the line on so many things...we gathered up our lives, packed them into a little red car and headed south and west knowing only we wanted to live someplace warmer and drier and sunnier.  We eventually fetched up in New Mexico surrounded by enchantment and new  friends and helpers and so much inspiration and passion we hardly know what to do.  Other than bask in the sunshine.  

  2. I love that unicorns and cheese inspire you!! Believe me, I have run into those writing block walls. This week I am dealing with the fact that I need to pay my cable company to turn the internet back on at home, so I am commenting from the local library!! You would be surprised what can inspire you, just open your heart and mind to the possibilities!! Great post!!


  3. Isn't that what they say about New Mexico on their commercials? "New Mexico - Land of Enchantment!"  Actually, I personally really dig New Mexico.  I love Santa Fe but it's a little expensive, but the people of New Mexico.  I appreciate their down to earthiness.  I'm happy you and your husband found a home there...

    We thought of west but New Orleans has had this siren song for me for about 15 years now and I couldn't stop ignoring her.  Since moving, I've figured out that NOLA, as a person, always gets what she wants.

  4. "I'm just crackers about cheese!"  Yeah, that about sums it up for me, too.  If I could, I would have socks and t-shirts that say I <3 Cheese on them and I would stand proud next to the Gruyere, even if it does smell like butt feet, and declare, "Cheese? YES PLEASE!" 

    Sorry, got a little carried away there...ahem...

    I'm glad that you are able to shake off your lack of inspiration fairly easy.  I've found that since I completely turned everything upside down, shaking things have been a bit more of a challenge.  But, hey, we are all getting there somehow and I'm lucky that my hubby didn't divorce me when I said, "Hey babe, let's move to New Orleans - land of hurricanes and swamps and alligators and scary banjo people" except all he said was, "When do we pack?".

  5. The inspiration never leaves us if it's truly there, no matter where you are, it'll come to you willingly, we need not force it friend. 
