Friday, April 16, 2010

Great Seed Watch: The Garden is Placed!

Hey, Hey, Hey! Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you all have had a week filled with sunshine and happiness. We finally have all our plants planted in the appropriate place! I'm so excited! So far so good!

If you were to walk out our back door onto the balcony, this is what you would see! I am anticipating a very fruitful growing season with our little spot of sunshine! No chairs on the balcony, but that's okay. I love having the greenery so close. Maybe eventually we can plant some flowers amongst all the veggies. We will see!

Have a great weekend, y'all!



  1. Looks like my back porch! I go for the jungle look! It's my little hideout with my hammock!

  2. OOOOH! I want a hammock so bad! It's so pretty outside lately - it would be delightful to swing in a hammock with a book. Enjoy! We unfortunately don't have enough space - someday though!
