Saturday, April 3, 2010

Great Seed Watch Update!

NOM NOM NOM....Someone has been eating the houseplant. One would automatically believe it to be CatZilla but she prefers shrimp to salad. The culprit? Oliver. Then he yacks it up.


Must find a higher location for said houseplant. Perhaps I should buy some wheat grass seeds and grow the plant for him to eat. :( I don't think Kev would be a fan of that.

We saved our egg carton and planted more herb seeds. The chives are doing well!

The other herbs that we planted are growing. I planted a few of the basil and chives and parsley in one of the boxes. Grow, grow, grow!

We also planted a couple cucumber plants and a couple of tomato seedlings in the front trellis box. Alice, you aren't about to do what I think you are about to do?????


ALICE! How could you!?!

The tomato plants are still growing. I separated all the seedlings that had come up so they have more room to grow. So far, so good!

And so, we continue to watch and water...happy growing!


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