Monday, March 15, 2010

The Carpetbagger

Guess what, y'all? I have officially been called a Carpetbagger! Be still, my insulted monkey heart! For those who don't remember their 8th grade history class, a Carpetbagger is defined as (according to Merriam-Webster):

1. a Northerner in the South after the American Civil War usually seeking private gain under the reconstruction governments.

2. Outsider; Especially: a non-resident or new resident who seeks private gain from an area often by meddling in its business or politics.

I didn't know that we were living in Civil War times, but I suppose you could look at this time after Hurricane Katrina as a reconstruction period. The Carpetbagger mirror was held in front of me and has hurt my feelers.

And, okay. We are outsiders. We come from a different land. A land known as Texas and loved by many (ourselves included). Except, we love this city with the same amount of passion as we love our Texas. We love this place so much, we feel it in our bones. OUR BONES, PEOPLE!

Let me explain the situation. We were at a dinner party the other night and I was bemoaning my current lack of employment. Boo hoo hoo on me. My level of education was brought up and how I could be considered a carpetbagger. So, was this particular person calling me out as a carpetbagger? Not exactly. He was just observing that this mindset is probably what many people sense from me when I apply for a job.

"She's a carpetbagger! She has more than a high school education - she must want to take advantage of us and reap the benefits of all the many jobs and money that is available to all the true citizens of this city!"

Excuse me, Mr. Job Interviewee....I hate to argue, but your level of pay is not what we are accustomed to. And frankly, I just want to have a place to go every day and not feel like a bum. Oh, and to not be on unemployment and feel like I'm milking the system, like so many of your residents' enjoy doing.

Not to sound harsh, but I have a very strong work ethic. VERY STRONG! I don't like not working. I don't like not doing my part and sitting at home playing Susie Homemaker is NOT what I set out to do with my life. It's not like we have children and the cats sleep all day, therefore not requiring much babying.

Perhaps I have been misguided in our decision to move to this city. I never meant to offend anyone by my showing up with my proverbial carpetbag and wanting to help. Help. Not take advantage.

So, I think our new home town and I need to have a pow-wow. A little sit down meeting to discuss the many ways I have apparently offended her. I think I'll let her know a few ways in which she has offended me, as well. Of course, that could get me booted back to Texas!

Should I lie about my education? I have more than just a Bachelor's degree. Do I leave that off the ol' resume? I'm starting to think I should. Don't want to offend the locals, after all...

Cest la vie!

Hope you all have a very productive and happy Monday!



  1. To those who would call the monkey heart a carpetbagger, I would say nay. Nay, I say to the idea of our moneky heart being a carpetbagger. I would refer those who have entertained that thought to view pictures posted on the author of "the monkey disourses" facebook page. Included there one can see pictures of the accused and her main squeeze working with the Irish Channel Neighborhood Association in an area beautification project. I wonder just how many locals have done as much toward bringing the city back. And in addition, I would invite said accuser to take a minute to view the pieces included at --several of which extol the wonders and virtues of the "Big Easy". I dare say that if the hearts of those native to New Orleans were as big, as accepting, as giving as that of one Texas born monkey heart, this comment need not have been written.

  2. Don't let that Knucklehead get to you. Chances are he wasn't meaning to offend you or cast you in a negative conotation. If he did then he is just an idiot. I am a native New Orleanean and am glad to have you here and appreciate YOUR efforts to make OUR city a better place to reside. As far as i am concerned, you are home here and we are lucky to have you.
