Friday, March 26, 2010

Views Around the House

We have been busy bees around the house today. We both woke up waaay early today and started the day's projects. Fixing our trellis boxes so we can eventually plant our veggies, ran to the store, changed out some water for FishTV, played with the plants, and some spring cleaning.

So, here are some vignettes of what makes me happy in my kitchen.

I live with a scotch drinker. Enough said.

Elephant tea pot that makes me tea and pours it out his nose.

Bananas and the fabulous monkey banana holder.

The trees are green! I like the transit windows in our apartment.

I am in love with FiestaWare. I love it. I have a rainbow of colors and I love them. They make me so happy! And when company comes over, they get to choose their own color! Notice the bowls at the top of this post...

Here's the Jamie Hayes gang hanging out on the mantle. I was playing with my Gimp software to see what I could do for colors and saturation...not sure what happened but Kev seemed to like it.

If you notice on the edge of the mantle, there is writing. Someone wrote with pencil - I think it's a phone number and address. I'll inspect further and get back to you.

Ok, I know. Not a very interesting post, but I thought you would like to see how well I dusted!

Happy Friday!!!
