Thursday, March 18, 2010

Planting the Seeds of Change

I'm being true to my word. I have started my garden and now I'm asking myself, "How does MY garden grow?" We are trying this little experiment from seeds. Seeds, y'all! In the past, it has always been easier to go to the nursery and buy the plants already partially grown, but planting from seeds enables me to have more of a garden.

Therefore, we are trying our little experiment from seeds. Hopefully they turn to into seedlings and then grow bigger and bigger into full blown plants!

Here are my seed packets. Basil, mint, parsley, tomatoes, and oregano. We are also trying our hands at chives and cucumbers. We do not currently have ground with which to plant these babies, so we are doing this experiment in containers. Our balcony is 6 feet X 3 feet and we still want to be able to sit on our balcony and enjoy the outside. Therefore, we have found planter boxes that we will affix to the outside of the railing and put our newly grown seedlings in to achieve greatness!

Currently, our baby seeds are growing in a seed starter greenhouse kit. It's sitting on the desk next to me, incubating our baby seeds!

Who knows if these will turn into anything, but I believe it will take about 2 weeks for these babies to sprout. Then, we grow them some more in their greenhouse and finally get to put them into the ground.

I'm a tree hugger! I love nature and I'm going to nurture these seeds so we can have some veggies and herbs to enjoy!

I hereby state this 18th day of March the beginning of our GREAT SEED WATCH! I'll keep you posted! Think GROW!

Happy Thursday - hope you all didn't drink TOO much green beer yesterday!


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